J. Randall Gladden (Randy)

J. Randall Gladden (Randy) engages, enlightens and challenges audiences across the world to live to their fullest potential by reminding them God created them for a purpose. Randy’s decades of experience as a wealth adviser have led him to an asset strategy blending moral values with economic realities; he calls this Legacy Wealth. He lives daily to fulfill his God-given mandate to “encourage, equip and empower those in the Church to transform their world.” As a financial innovator, many consider Randy an industry expert. Randy also serves as a university guest lecturer, syndicated media commentator and strategic advisor to businesses and ministries internationally. Additionally, he owns several businesses one recently was named the small business of the year in the State of Washington. Randy has been married to his wife Elsie for 13 years and together they have two sons, Jack and Alex. When Randy is not traveling to work with clients abroad, the family resides in Southern California.
